25 And when the mornynge was come beholde it was Lea. Than sayde he to Laban: wherfore hast thou played thus with me? dyd not I serue the for Rahel wherfore than hast thou begyled me?
26 Laban answered: it is not the maner of this place to marke the yongest before the eldest.
27 Passe out this weke and tha shall this also be geuen the for ye seruyce which thou shalt serue me yet .vij. yeres more.
28 And Iacob dyd eue so and passed out that weke and than he gaue hi Rahel his doughter to wyfe also.
29 And Laban gaue to Rahel his doughter Bilha his handmayde to be hir servaute.
30 So laye he by Rahel also and loued Rahel more than Lea and serued him yet .vij. yeres more.
31 When the LORde sawe that Lea was despised he made her frutefull: but Rahel was baren.
32 And Lea conceaued and bare a sonne ad called his name Rube for she sayde::the LORde hath loked apon my tribulation. And now my husbonde will loue me.