28 Than sayde they: we sawe that the LORde was with the and therfore we sayde that there shulde be an oothe betwixte vs ad the and that we wolde make a bonde with the:
29 yt thou shuldeste do vs no hurte as we haue not touched the and haue done vnto the nothinge but good and sed the awaye in peace: for thou art now the blessed of the LORde.
30 And he made the a feast and they ate ad droke.
31 And they rose vp by tymes in the mornynge and sware one to another. And Isaac sent the awaye. And they departed from him in peace.
32 And ye same daye came Isaacs servautes and tolde hi of a well which they had dygged: and sayde vnto hi that thei had founde water.
33 And he called it Seba wherfore the name of the cyte is called Berseba vnto this daye.
34 When Esau was .xl. yere olde he toke to wyfe Judith the doughter of Bely an Hethite and Busmath the doughter of Elon an Hethite
35 also which were dishobedient vnto Isaac and Rebecca.