Exodus 22:7-10

Tyndale(i) 7 Yf a man delyuer his neghboure money or stuffe to kepe, and it be stolen out of his housse: Yf the these be foude, he shal paye double 8 Yf the thefe be not founde, then the goodma of the housse shalbe brought vnto the goddes and swere, whether he haue put his hande vnto his neghbours good. 9 And in all maner of trespace, whether it be oxe, asse, shepe, rayment or ony maner lost thynge which another chalegeth to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the goddes. And whom the goddes condene: the same shall paye double vnto his neghboure. 10 Yf a man delyuer vnto his neghboure to kepe, asse, oxe, shepe or what soeuer beest it be and it dye or be hurte or dryuen awaye and no man se it: