14 And this daye shall be vnto you a remebraunce, ad ye shall kepe it holie vnto the Lorde: euen thorow out youre generacions after you shall ye kepe it holie daye, that it be a custome for euer.
15 vij. dayes shal ye eate vnleveded breed, so that euen the first daye ye shall put awaye leuen out off youre housses. For whosoeuer eateth leuended bread from the first daye vntyll the .vij. daye, that soule shall be plucked out fro Israel.
16 The first daye shall be a holie feast vnto you, and the .vij. also. There shal be no maner off worke done in the, saue aboute that only which euery man must eate that only may ye do.
17 And see that ye kepe you to vnleueded breed.For vppo that same daye I will brynge youre armyes out off the londe of Egipte, therfore ye shall obserue this daye and all youre childern after you, that yt be a custume for euer.
18 The first moneth and the .xiiij. daye off the moneth at euen, ye shall eate swete brede vnto the .xxj. daye off the moneth at euen agayne.
19 Seuen dayes se that there be no leuended bred foude in youre housses. For whosoeuer eateth leuended bred, that soule shall be roted out fro the multitude of Israel: whether he be a straunger or borne in the londe.
20 Therfore se that ye eate no leuended bred, but in all youre habitacions eate swete bred.
21 And Moses called for the elders off Israel and sayde vnto them: chouse out and take to euery housholde a shepe, ad kyll passeouer.
22 And take a bunch of ysope, ad dyppe it in the bloud that is in the basyn, and stryke it vppon the vpperposte and on the .ij. syde postes, and se that none of you goo out at the doore of his house vntyll the mornynge.
23 For the Lorde will goo aboute and smyte Egipte. And when he seyth the bloude vppon the vpper doorposte ad on the .ij. syde postes, he will passe ouer the doore and will not suffre the destroyer to come in to youre housse to plage you.
24 Therfore se that thou obserue this thinge, that it be an ordinaunce to the, and thy sonnes for euer.
25 And when ye be come in to the land which the Lorde will geue you acordinge as he hath promysed, se that ye kepe this seruice.
26 And when youre childern axe you what maner off seruice is this ye doo.
27 Ye shall saye, it is the sacrifiice of the Lordes passeouer which passed ouer the housses of the childern of Israel in Egipte, as he smote the Egiptians and saued oure housses. Than the people bowed them selues and worshipped.
28 And the childern of Israel went and dyd as the Lorde had commauded Moses and Aaron.