4 Yf thou wilt not let my people goo: beholde, tomorow will I brynge greshoppers in to thy lande,
5 and they shall couer the face of the erth that it can not be sene, ad they shall eate the residue which remayneth vnto you and escaped the hayle and they shall eate all youre grene trees vpon the felde,
6 and they shall fill thy housses and all thy servauntes housses, and the housses of all the Egiptias after soch a maner: as nether thy fathers nor thy fathers fathers haue sene, sence the tyme they were apon the erthe vnto thys daye. And he turned him silfe aboute, ad went out from Pharao.
7 And Pharaos servauntes sayde vnto hym: Howe longe shall this felowe thus plage vs? Let the men goo that they maye serue the Lorde their God, or els wilt thou see Egipte first destroyed?
8 And than Moses and Aaron were broughte agayn vnto Pharao, and he sayde vnto them: Goo and serue the Lorde youre God but who are they that shall goo?
9 And Moses answered: we must goo with yonge and olde: ye and with oure sonnes and with oure doughters, ad with oure shepe and oxe must we goo For we must holde a feast vnto the Lorde.
10 And he sayde vnto them: shall it be soo? The Lorde be with you, shulde I lett you goo, and youre childern also? Take heede, for ye haue some myschefe in honde.
11 Nay not so: but goo ye that are men and serue the Lorde, for that was youre desyre. And they thrust the out of Pharaos presence.
12 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: Stretch out thine hande ouer the lande of Egipte for greshoppers, that they come apon the lande of Egipte and eate all the herbes of the londe, ad all that the hayle left vntouched.
13 And Moses stretched forth his rodd ouer the londe off Egipte, ad the Lorde brought an east wynde vppo the lande, all that daye and all nyghte. And in the mornynge the east wynde broughte the greshoppers,
14 ad the greshoppers wet vp ouer all the lande of Egipte and lighted in all quarters off Egipte verye greuously: so that before them were there no soch greshoppers, nether after them shal be.
15 And they couered all the face of the erth, so that the londe was darke therwith. And they ate all the herbes of the lande and all the frutes of the trees which the hayle had lefte: so that there was no grene thinge lefte in the trees and herbes of the felde thorow all the lande of Egipte.