14 Thou shalt not defraude an hyred servaunte that is nedye and poore, whether he be off thy brethern or a straunger that is in thy lond within thy cities.
15 Geue him his hyre the same daye, and let not the sonne goo doune thereon. For he is nedye ad therewith susteyneth his life, lest he crye agenst the vnto the Lorde ad it be synne vnto the.
16 The fathers shal not dye for the childern nor the childern for the fathers: but euery ma shall dye for his awne synne.
17 Hynder not the right of the straunger nor of the fatherlesse, nor take wedowes rayment to pledge.
18 But remembre that thou wast a servaunte in Egipte, ad how the Lord thy God delyuered the thece. Wherfore I comaude the to doo this thinge.