3 And let the elders of that citie which is nexte vnto the slayne ma, take an heyffer that is not laboured with nor hath drawen in the iocke,
4 and let them bringe her vnto a valeye where is nether earinge nor sowenge, ad strike of hir heed there in the valey.
5 Then let the preastes the sonnes of Leui come forth (for the Lorde thy God hath chosen them to ministre and to blesse in the name off the Lorde and therfore at their mouthe shall all strife and plage be tryed).
6 And all the elders of the citie that is nexte to the slayne man shall wasshe their handes ouer the heyffer that is beheded in the playne,
7 and shall answere ad saye: oure handes haue not shed this bloude nether haue oure eyes sene it.
8 Be mercifull Lord vnto thy people Israel which thou hast delyuered and put not innocent bloude vnto thy people Israel: and the bloude shalbe forgeuen the
9 And so shalt thou put innocent bloud fro the, when thou shalt haue done that which is right in the syght of the Lorde.