2 how that the aboundaunce of their reioysing is that they are tried wt moche tribulacio. And therto though they were excedinge poore yet haue they geue excedinge richly and that in singlenesse.
3 For to their powers (I beare recorde) yee and beyonde their power they were willynge of their owne accorde
4 and prayed vs with great instaunce that we wolde receave their benefite and suffre them to be parttakers with other in ministrynge to the saynctes.
5 And this they did not as we loked for: but gave their awne selves fyrst to the lorde and after vnto vs by the will of God:
6 so that we coulde not but desyre Titus to acomplysshe the same benivolence amonge you also even as he had begonne.