2 howe that the aboundaunce of theyr reioysynge is, that they are tryed with muche trybulacyon. And therto thoughe they were excedynge poore, yet haue they geuen excedynge richelye, and that in synglenesse.
3 For to theyr powers (I beare recorde) ye and beyonde theyr power, they were wyllynge of theyr owne accorde,
4 & prayed vs with great instaunce that we would receyue theyr benefyte, and suffer them to be partakers with other in mynystrynge to the saynctes.
5 And thys they dyd, not as we loked for: but gaue theyr owne selues fyrste to the Lorde, and after vnto vs by the wyl of God:
6 so that we coulde not but desyre Titus to accomplyshe the same beneuolence amonge you also, euen as he had begonne.