1 Accordingly Beseleel and Eliab and every man skilled in arts, to whom had been given wisdom and understanding to know how to execute every kind of work suitable for the holy service, performed it according to all that the Lord had commanded.
2 When Moses called Beseleel and Eliab and all who had skill: every one in whose heart God had put knowledge and all who were freely willing to come to the work so as to finish it compleatly,
3 they received from Moses all the offerings which the Israelites had brought for making all the works of the sanctuary. They received also the offerings from those who still continued to bring them in, every morning.
4 And all the artists who did the works of the sanctuary attended diligently every one at the work in which he was engaged.
5 And when Moses was told that the people were bringing in more than sufficient for all the works which the Lord had ordered to be made,