1 And Bezaliel wrought and Ahaliab and all wyse herted men to whom the Lorde had geuen wisedome and vnderstanding to knowe howe to worcke all maner worcke for the holy seruice, in al that the Lorde commaunded.
2 And Moses called for Bezaleel Ahaliak and al the wise hered men in whose hertes the Lord had putte wisedome, euen as many as their hertes couraged to come to the worcke to worcke it.
3 And they receiued of Moses al the heueofferinges which the children of Israel had brought for the worke of the holy seruice to make it withal. And they brought beside that wyllyng offeringes euery morning.
4 And al the wyse men that wrought all the holy worcke came euery man from his worke whyche they made,
5 and spake vnto Moses saying: the people bryng to much and aboue that is inough to serue for the worcke whyche the Lord hath commaunded to make.