Luke 19:29-35

Rotherham(i) 29 And it came to pass, as he drew near unto Bethphage, and Bethany, unto the mount which is called the Mount of Olives, he sent off two of his disciples, 30 saying––Go your way unto the opposite village, in which, as ye are entering, ye shall find a colt, bound, whereon, no man, hath, ever sat,––and, having loosed him, bring him. 31 And, if any one question you––Wherefore are ye loosing him? thus, shall ye say––His Lord, hath, need. 32 And they who were sent, departing, found as he had said to them. 33 And, as they were loosing the colt, his lords said unto them––Why are ye loosing the colt? 34 And, they, said––His Lord, hath, need. 35 And they brought him unto Jesus; and, throwing their mantles over the colt, they seated Jesus thereon.