9 When much time had passed and sailing was now dangerous because it was already after the Fast, Paul addressed them.
10 "Men," he said, "I see that the voyage is going to be rough and with much loss not only of the cargo and the ship but also of our lives."
11 But the Centurion listened more to the sailing master and the ship owner than to what Paul said,
12 and as the harbor was not convenient to winter in, the majority adopted the purpose of sailing away on the chance of being able to reach Phoenix and winter there. Phoenix is a harbor of Crete facing the southwest and the northwest.
13 When the south wind blew softly, thinking that they had secured their purpose, they weighed anchor and coasted along Crete.
14 But before long a hurricane, such as is called Euraquilo, swept down off the land.
15 When the ship was caught and unable to keep her head to the wind, we gave up and let her drive before it.
16 Running under the lee of an island called Cauda, we contrived with difficulty to secure the small boat.
17 When we had got it in, we used ropes to undergird the ship. Fearing that we might get stranded on the Syrtis, they lowered the sail and so drifted.
18 So violently were we battered by the storm that on the next day they lightened the ship
19 and on the third day with their own hands they threw over the ship's tackle.
20 When for many days neither sun nor stars appeared and no small tempest lay on us, at last all hope of our being saved was being taken away.
21 After they had long gone without food, Paul stood up in the midst of them and said, "Men, you ought to have listened to me and not to have sailed away from Crete and met this rough experience and loss.
22 But now I beg you to have courage, for there will be no loss of life of any of you, but only of the ship.
23 For this night an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve stood by me
24 and said, 'Never fear, Paul! You must stand before Caesar. And now God has granted to you all the men who are sailing with you.'
25 So cheer up, men. For I trust in God that it will be as it has been told me.
26 We must, however, run on to a certain island."
27 When the fourteenth night came, as we were being driven through the Adriatic, about midnight the sailors surmised that land was getting near.
28 Sounding they found twenty fathoms, and after a little they sounded again and found fifteen fathoms.