2 Thessalonians 2:6-10

NSB(i) 6 There is something that keeps this from happening now, and you know what it is. At the proper time, then, the wicked one will appear. 7 The secret of evil (lawlessness) is even now at work. But there is one who restrains the evil till he is taken out of the way. 8 Then the evil (lawless) one will be revealed. The Lord Jesus will put him to death with the breath of his mouth, and destroy him by the manifestation (brightness) (advent) (revelation) of his coming. (Greek: parousia: presence, return, being near) 9 The evil (lawless) one will come with the power of Satan and perform all kinds of false signs and wonders. 10 He will use every kind of wicked deceit on those who will perish. They will perish because they did not welcome and love the truth so as to be saved.