1 Kings 12:16-20

NSB(i) 16 When all Israel realized that the king would not respond to their request, the people in answer said to the king: »What share do we have in David? What is our heritage in the son of Jesse? To your tents, O Israel; now see to your people, David.« So Israel went away to their tents. 17 Rehoboam was still king over those of the children of Israel who were living in the towns of Judah. 18 Then King Rehoboam sent Adoniram, the overseer of the forced work. He was stoned to death by all Israel. King Rehoboam went quickly and got into his carriage to escape to Jerusalem. 19 Israel has been in rebellion against the house of David to this day. 20 When all Israel heard that Jeroboam had come back, they requested a meeting of the people. At that meeting they made him king over Israel. There was none who followed the house of David except the tribe of Judah.