Psalms 78:10-37

Matthew(i) 10 They kept not the couenant of god, and wold not walke in his law. 11 They forgate what he had done, and the wonderfull workes that he had shewed for them. 12 Maruelous thynges dyd he in the sighte of our fathers in the lande of Egipt, euen in the felde of Zoan. 13 He deuided the sea & let them go thorowe it, & made the waters to stande like a wall. 14 In the daye tyme he ledde them with a cloude, and all the night thorow with a light of fyre. 15 He cloaue the harde rockes in the wildernesse, & gaue them drynke therof, as it hadde bene out of the great deapth. 16 He brought waters out of the stony rock, so that they gusshed out lyke the ryuers. 17 Yet for all this they synned agaynste hym, and prouoked the moost hyest in the wyldernes. 18 They tempted God in their hertes, and requyred meate for their lust. 19 For they spoke agaynst God, & sayde: yea yea, God shall prepare a table in the wildernesse, shall he? 20 Lo, he smote the stony rocke, that the watery streames gusshed out, and the streames flowed with all: but how can he geue bread and prouyde flesh for hys people? 21 When the Lord hearde this, he was wroth so the fyre was kyndled in Iacob, and heauy displeasure agaynst Israel. 22 Because they beleued not in God, & putte not their trust in hys helpe. 23 So he commaunded the cloudes aboue, & opened the dores of heauen. 24 He rayned doune Manna vpon them for to eate, and gaue them bread from heauen. 25 Then eate they aungels fode, for he sentte them meate ynough. 26 He caused the East wynd to blowe vnder the heauen, & thorow hys power he brought in the South wynde. 27 He made flesh to raine vpon them as thicke as dust, and fethered foules like as the sande of the sea. 28 He let it fall amonge their tentes rounde about theyr habitacions. 29 So they eate, and were fylled, for he gaue them their owne desyre. 30 They were not disapoynted of their lust. But whyle the meate was yet in their mouthes: 31 the heuy wrath of God came vpon them, slewe the welthiest of them, & smote doune the chosen men of Israel. 32 But for all this they sinned yet more, and beleued not hys wonderous workes. 33 Therfore their dayes were consumed in vanyte, and sodenly their yeares were gone. 34 When he slewe them, they sought hym, & turned them early vnto God. 35 They thoughte then that God was theyr succour, and that the hye God was their redemer. 36 Neuerthelesse they dyd but flatter him in their mouthes, and dissembled with hym in their tonges. 37 For their herte was not whole with him, neither continued they in his couenaunt.