3 For they gat not the lande in possessyon thorowe their owne swearde, neyther was it their owne arme that helped them. But thy ryght hande, thyne arme and the lyght of thy countenaunce, because thou haddest a fauoure vnto them.
4 Thou arte the Kynge and my God, thou sendest helpe vnto Iacob.
5 Thorow the, wyll we ouerthrow our enemyes: and in thy name wyll we treade them vnder, that ryse vp agaynst vs.
6 For I wyll not trust in my bowe, it is not my sweard that shall helpe me.
7 But it is thou that sauest vs from our enemyes: and puttest them to confusyon that hate vs.
8 We wyll alway make our boast of God, and prayse thy name for euer. Selah.