Numbers 29:7-11

Matthew(i) 7 And the tenth daye of that same seuenth moneth shalbe an holy feast vnto you, & ye shall humble youre soules and shall doo no maner worke therin. 8 And ye shall offer a burntofferyng vnto the Lorde of a swete sauour: one bullocke, and a ram, & .vij. lambes of a yere olde a pece, without faute 9 and their meateoffringes of floure mingled with oyle .iij. tenthdeales to a bullocke, & .ij. to a ra 10 & al waye a tenth deale vnto a lambe, thorowe out the .vij. lambes. 11 And one he goote for a synofferynge, besyde the synneofferynge of attonement and the dayly burntofferynge, & the meate and drynkoffrynges that longe to the same.