6 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayinge:
7 The daughters of Zelaphead speake ryght thou shalt gyue them a possession to enherit among their fathers brethren, & shalte turne the enheritaunce of their father vnto theim.
8 And speake vnto the children of Israel saying If a man dye & haue no sonne ye shall turne hys enheritaunce vnto hys daughter.
9 If he haue no doughter, ye shall gyue hys enheritaunce vnto hys brethren.
10 If he haue no brethren, ye shall gyue hys enheritaunce vnto hys fathers brethren.
11 If he haue no fathers brethren, ye shal giue hys enheritaunce vnto hym that is nexte to hym of hys kynred, and lette hym possesse it. And thys shall be vnto the chyldren of Israell an ordinaunce, and a lawe, as the Lorde hathe commaunded Moses.