3 And write Aaron a name vpon the state of Leui: for euerye headman ouer the house of theyr fathers shal haue a rodde.
4 And put them in the tabernacle of wytnesse where I wyll mete you.
5 And hys rodde whome I chose, shall blossome: So I wyl make cease from me the grudgynges of the chyldren of Israel whyche they grudge agaynst you.
6 And Moses spake vnto the chyldren of Israel, and al the princes gaue him for euery prynce ouer theyr fathers houses, a rod: euen .xij. rods, and the rod of Aaron was among the roddes.
7 And Moses put the roddes before the Lord in the tabernacle of witnes.
8 And on the morow, Moses wente into the tabernacle: and beholde the rodd of Aaron of the house of Leuy was budded & bare blossoms and almondes.
9 And Moses brought out all the staues frome before the Lorde, vnto all the children of Israel, & they loked vpon them and toke euery man hys staffe.
10 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: bryng Aarons rod agayne before the wytnes to be kepte for a token vnto the chyldren of rebellyon, that theyr murmurynges may cease fro me, that they dye not.