4 And before this had the prieste Eliasib delyuered the cheste of the house of oure God vnto hys kynsman Tobiah:
5 for he had made hym a greate cheste, and there had they afore tyme layed the meatofferynges, frankencense vessel, and the tythes of corne, wyne and oyle (accordynge to the commaundement geuen to the Leuytes, syngers & porters) and the heaueofferynges of the priestes.
6 But in all thys was not I at Ierusalem: for in the two and thyrthyeth year of Arthaxerses kynge of Babilon, came I vnto the king, and after certayne dayes obtayned I lycence of the king
7 to come to Ierusalem. And I gat knowledge of the euyll that Eliasib byd vnto Tobiah, in that he had made hym a chest in the courte of the house of God,
8 and it greued me sore, and I cast forthe all the vessels of the house of Tobiah out of the chest,
9 and commaunded them to clense the cheste. And thyther broughte I agayn the vessels of the house of God, the meateofferynge and the incense.
10 And I perceyued, that the porcyons of the Leuites were not geuen them, for the whiche cause the Leuytes & syngers were fled, euerye one to hys lande for to worke.
11 Then reproued I the rulers, and sayde: why forsake we the house of God. But I gathered them together & set them in theyr place.
12 Then brought al Iuda the thythes of corne, wyne and oyle vnto the treasure.
13 And I made treasures ouer the treasure, euen Selemiah the prieste, and Zadoc the scrybe, and of the Leuytes Phadaiah & vnder theyr hande Hanan the sonne of Zacur the sonne of Mathaniah: for they were counted faythfull, and theyr offyce was to dystrybute vnto theyr brethren.
14 Thyncke vpon me O my God herein, and wype not oute my mercye, that I haue shewed on the house of my God, and on the offycers thereof.