Micah 7:14-20

Matthew(i) 14 Therfore fede thy people wyth thy rodde, the flocke of thyne herytage which dwell desolate in the woodde, that they maye be fedde vpon the mounte of Charmell, Basan & Galaad as afore tyme. 15 Maruelous thinges wyll I shewe them, lyke as when they came oute of Egypte. 16 This shall the heathen se, and be ashamed for all theyr power, so that they shal laye theyr hande vpon theyr mouthe, and stoppe theyr eares. 17 They shal licke the dust lyke a serpente, & as the wormes of the earthe that tremble in theyr holes. They shalbe afraid of the Lorde oure God, and they shall feare the. 18 Where is there such a God as thou? that pardonest wickednes, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunte of thyne herytage? He kepeth not hys wrath for euer. And why? his delyte is to haue compassyon: 19 he shal turne agayne, and be mercyfull to vs: he shall put doune oure wyckednesses, and caste all oure synnes into the botome of the sea. 20 Thou shalt kepe thy truste wyth Iacob, and thy mercye for Abraham, lyke as thou haste sworne vnto oure fathers longe agoo.