31 When the sonne of man cometh in hys glorye, and all the holye aungels with him, then shall he sytte vpon the seate of his glory,
32 and before him shall be gathered all nations, and he shall separate them one from another, as a shephearde deuideth the shepe from the gootes.
33 And he shall set the shepe on his right haude, and the gootes on his lyfte.
34 Then shal the kinge saye to them on his right hand. Come ye blessed chyldren of my father, enheryte ye the kingdome prepared for you from the begynninge of the worlde.
35 For I was an hungred & ye gaue me meate. I thirsted and ye gaue me drinke. I was herbourles and ye lodged me. I was naked and ye clothed me.
36 I was sycke and ye visyted me. I was in pryson and ye came vnto me.
37 Then shal the rightuous aunswere him sayinge, maister, when sawe we the an houngred, & fede the, or a thyrst, & gaue the drinke
38 when sawe we the herborles, and lodged the? or naked and clothed the?
39 or when sawe we the syke or in pryson and came vnto the?
40 And the kinge shall aunswere and saye vnto theym: verelye I saye vnto you: in as much as ye haue done it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye haue done it vnto me.