Luke 9:49-54

Matthew(i) 49 And Iohn aunswered and sayeth: Mayster we sawe one castyng out deuils in thy name, and we forbad hym, because he foloweth not with vs. 50 And Iesus sayed vnto hym: forbyd ye hym not. For he that is not agaynste vs: is with vs. 51 And it folowed when the tyme was come, that he shoulde be receyued vp, then he set his face to go to Ierusalem, 52 and sent messengers before hym. And they went and entred into a citye of the Samaritans: to make readye for hym. 53 But they woulde not receyue hym, because hys face was as thoughe he woulde go to Ierusalem. 54 When his disciples Iames and Iohn sawe that, they sayde: Lorde, wilte thou that we commaunde that fyre come doune from heauen and consume them, euen as Helyas dyd?