1 And it fortuned in one of those dayes as he taught the people in the temple, & preached the gospel: the hye priestes & the scribes came with the elders,
2 and spake vnto hym saiyng: Tell vs by what authoritie thou doest these thynges? Eyther who is he that gaue the this authoritie?
3 He aunswered & said vnto them: I also will axe you a question: and aunswere me.
4 The baptysine of Iohn, was it from heauen or of men?
5 And they thought wtin them selues, saiyng: yf we shal say, from heauen, he wil say: why then beleued ye him not?
6 But and yf we shall saye of men, all the people wyll stone vs. For they be perswaded that Iohn is a Prophet.
7 And they aunswered that they coulde not tell whence it was.
8 And Iesus sayde to them: neyther tell I you by what authorite I do these thinges.