Luke 18:2-7

Matthew(i) 2 saiynge. There was a Iudge in a certayne cytye, whiche feared not God, neyther regarded man. 3 And there was a certaine wedowe in the same citie whiche came vnto hym saiynge: auenge of myne aduersarye. 4 And he woulde not for a whyle. But afterwarde he sayde to hym selfe, though I feare not God, nor care for man, 5 yet because thys wedowe troubleth me. I wil auenge her least at the least she come and hagge on me. 6 And the Lord sayed: heare what the vnrightuous iudge sayeth. 7 And shall not God aduenge his electe, which crye daye and nyghte vnto hym, ye though he defarre them?