Leviticus 7:30-34

Matthew(i) 30 hys owne handes shal bring the offeryng of the Lord: euen the fatt vpon the breast he shal bryng with the breast to waue it a waueofferynge before the Lord. 31 And the priest shal burne the fatt vpon the alter, & the breast shalbe Aarons & his sonnes. 32 And the right shoulder they shal geue vnto the priest, to be an heueoffringe, of their peaceofferinges. 33 And the same that offereth the bloude of the peace offerynges and the fatte, amonge the sonnes of Aaron shall haue the ryght shoulder vnto hys parte, 34 for the waue breast, & the heue shoulder I haue taken of the chyldren of Israell, euen of theyr peaceofferynges, & haue geuen it vnto Aaron the priest and vnto hys sonnes: to be a dutye for euer of the children of Israel.