Leviticus 26:34-46

Matthew(i) 34 Then the Lande shall reioyce in hyr Sabbothes, as longe as it lyeth voyde and ye in youre enemyes lande: euen then shal the Lande kepe holy day and reioyce in hir Sabbothes. 35 And as longe as it lyeth voyde it shall rest, for that it could not rest in your Sabothes, when ye dwelt therin. 36 And vpon them that are left a liue of you I wyl sende a fayntnes into theyr hertes, in all the land of their enemies: so that the sound of a leaf that falleth, shall chase them & they shall flee as though they fled a swerde, and shall fal, no man folowyng them. 37 And they shal fal, one vpon another, as it were before a swerde, euen no man folowyng them, and ye shal haue no power to stand before your enemies. 38 And ye shall peryshe amonge the Heathen, and the land of your enemies shal eate you vp. 39 And they that are lefte of you, shall pyne away in theyr vnryghtuousnes, euen in their enymyes lande, and also in the misdedes of their fathers shall they consume. 40 And they shall confesse theyr misdeades and the mysdeades of theyr fathers in theyr trespaces, which they haue trespaced agaynst me, & for that also that they haue walked contrary to me. 41 Therfore I also wyl walke contrarye vnto them, and wyl brynge theym into the lande of theyr enemies. And then at the least waye theyr vncircumcised hertes shalbe tamed, & then they shall make an atonement for theyr mysdeades. 42 And I wyl remembre my bond with Iacob, and my testament wyth Isaac, and my testament wyth Abraham, and wyll thynke on the lande. 43 For the Lande shall be lefte of them and shall haue pleasure in hyr Sabbothes, whyle she lyeth wast wythout them, & they shall make on atonement for theyr misdeades, bicause they despised my lawes and theyr soules refused mine ordinaunces. 44 And yet for all that when they be in the Lande of their enemy, I wyll not so cast them away nor my soule shal not so abhorre them, that I wyll vtterlye destroye theym and breake myne appoyntment with them: for I am the Lord theyr God. 45 I wyl therfore remembre vnto them the fyrst couenaunte made, when I brought them out of the Lande of Egypte in the syght of the Heathen to be their God: for I am the Lorde. 46 These are the ordinaunces, iudgmentes, & lawes whych the Lord made betwene hym and the chyldren of Israell in mount Sinai by the hand of Moses.