34 Then shall the londe reioyse in hir Sabbathes, as longe as it lyeth wayst, and ye be in the enemies londe. Yee then shal the londe kepe holy daye, and reioyse in hir rest,
35 as longe as it lieth wayst, because it coude not rest in youre Sabbathes, whan ye dwelt therin.
36 And as for them that remayne of you, I wyll make them faynte harted in the londe of their enemies, so that a shakynge leaf shall chace them. And they shall flye from it, as though a swerde persecuted them, and shal fall noman folowynge vpon them.
37 And they shall fall one vpon another (as it were before the swerde) and noman yet chacynge them. And ye shall not be so bolde, as to withstonde youre enemies,
38 and shal perishe amonge the Heithen, and the londe of youre enemies shal eate you vp.
39 And they that are left of you, shall pyne awaye in their mysdede, euen in the enemies londe, and in the mysdedes of their fathers shall they consume awaye.
40 Then shall they knowlege their mysdedes, and the mysdedes of their fathers in the trespace, wherwith they haue trespaced agaynst me, and walked contrary vnto me.
41 Therfore wyll I also walke contrary vnto the, and wyll brynge them in to the enemies londe. Then shal their vncircumcysed herte be tamed. And then shall they ende their mysdedes.
42 And I shal thinke vpo my couenaut with Iacob, and vpon my couenaunt with Isaac, and vpon my couenaunt with Abraham, and wyl thynke vpon the lode.
43 As for the londe, whan it shalbe left of them, it shal reioyse in hir Sabbathes, euen then, whan it lyeth waist, and they tylle it not. And they shall make attonement for their mysdedes, because they despysed my lawes, & their soules refused my statutes.
44 Morouer I haue not so refused them, that they shulde be in the enemies londe: nether haue I so vtterly abhorred them, that I wolde brynge them to naught, and breake my couenaunt wt them: for I am ye LORDE their God.
45 And for their sake I wyl remebre my first couenaut, wha I brought them out of ye londe of Egipte in the sight of the Heythen, yt I might be their God. Euen I the LORDE.
46 These are the ordinaunces, statutes and lawes, which ye LORDE made betwixte him and the children of Israel vpon mount Sinai, by the hande of Moses.