14 Ephraim was the fyrst agaynst Amaleck, And after them BenIamin, among the people. Of Machir came learned men in the lawe, and of Zabulon that well coulde drawe with the penne of a scrybe.
15 The Lordes of Isakar were wyth Debora. And as Barak, euen so was Isacar sente into the valeye a fote. But in the diuisions of Ruben, were great ymagynacyons of hert.
16 Wherfore abodest thou amonge the shepe foldes, to heare the bleatynges of the flockes. In the deuysions of Ruben, greate were the ymaginacions of herte.
17 Galaad abode on the other syde Iordan, and why taryed dan in shyppes. And Aser sate in the heauens of the sea, and abode styll in hys owne rostes.
18 But Zabulon is a people that put theyr lyues in ieopardye of deathe, and Nephtalim in lyke maner, euen vnto the toppe of the feldes