14 Out of Ephraim was there a rote of them agaynst Amaleck, and after the, Beniamin amonge thy people. Out of Machir came rulers, & out of zabulon they that gouerne the penne of the wryter.
15 And of Isachar, there were prynces with Debora, Isachar also and Barac were sent on their fete into the valley, whan in the departing awaye of Ruben there were greate men, and wyse of hert?
16 Why abodest thou among the shepe foldes, to heare the bleatinges of the flockes, & to separate thy selfe awaye wt greate men and wyse of hert?
17 Gilead also abode beyonde Iordane: and why doth Dan remayne in shippes? Aser contynued on the see shore, and taried in hys decayed places.
18 But the people of Zabulon haue ieoperde their lyues euen vnto the dethe, lyke as did Nephthalim in the hye places of the felde.