Joshua 5:2-9

Matthew(i) 2 That same tyme the Lorde sayde vnto Iosua. Make the knyues of stone, & go to agayne and circumcyse the chyldren of Israell the seconde tyme. 3 And Iosua made hym knyues of stone & circumcysed the chyldren of Israel in the hyll of fore skynnes. 4 And thys is the cause why Iosua cyrcumcysed. All the people that came out of Egypte that were males, all that were men of warre, dyed in the wyldernes by the waye after they came oute of Egypte. 5 Nowe al the people that came out were circumcysed. But all the people that were borne in the wildernesse by the way after thei came out of Egypt, they circumcised not. 6 For the chyldren of Israell walked fourthye yeares in the wildernesse, till all the people of men of warre that came out of Egypt were consumed which harkened not vnto the voyce of God, so that the Lorde sware, that he wold not shew them the lande whiche the Lorde sware vnto theyr fathers, that he wolde geue vs, euen a lande that floweth wyth mylke & honye. 7 And theyr chyldren he set vp in theyr steade: them Iosua circumcysed: for they were vncircumcised, because they cyrcumcysed them not by the waye. 8 And when al the people were ful circumcysed, they abode styll in theyr places in the hoste tyll they were whole. 9 And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosua, thys daye I haue taken awaye the shame of Egypt from you, and called the name of the same place Galgal vnto thys daye.