John 8:7-11

Matthew(i) 7 And whyle they continued axynge hym, he lyfte hym selfe vp, and sayd vnto them: let hym that is amonge you without synne caste the fyrst stone at her. 8 And agayne he stouped doune, and wrote on the grounde. 9 And assone as they hearde that, they went out one by one, the eldest fyrst. And Iesu was left alone, and the woman standynge in the myddes. 10 When Iesus had lyft vp hym self agayn and sawe no man but the woman, he sayd to her. Woman where are those thyne accusers? Hath no man condemned the? 11 She sayed no man Lorde. And Iesus sayde: Neyther do I condempne the. Go, and synne no more.