Job 19:13-17

Matthew(i) 13 He hath put my brethren farre awaye from me, and suche as were of myne acquauntaunce, are become straungers vnto me. 14 Mine owne kynsfolkes haue forsaken me, and my frendes haue put me out of remembraunce. 15 The seruauntes & maydens of myne owne house take me for a straunger, and I am be come as an aleaunt in theyr syght. 16 When I call vpon my seruaunt, he geueth me no answere: no though I praye him wyth my mouth. 17 Myne owne wyfe may not abide my breth, I am faynt to speake fayre vnto the childeen of myne owne body.