36 The swearde vpon theyr soth sayers, as for those (they shal become fooles.) The swearde vpon they: worthies, so that they shall stande in feare:
37 The swearde vpon theyr horsmen and charettes, and vpon al the comon people that dwell vnder them: so that they shall all become lyke wemen: The swearde vpon their treasure, so that it shall be stolen awaye.
38 The swearde vpon theyr waters, so that they shalbe dryed vp. For the lande worshippeth ymages, & delyteth in straunge wondrefull thynges.
39 Therfore shall wylde beastes, Apes, and Estriches dwell therin: for there shall neuer man dwell there, neyther shal any man haue his habitacion there for euermore.
40 Lyke as God destroyed Sodome and Gomorre, with the cities that laye there aboute, sayeth the Lord: So shall no man dwell there also, nether shall any man haue there hys habitacyon.
41 Beholde, there shall come a people from the North, with a greate bounde of men and many Kynges shall stande vp from the endes of the earth:
42 They beare bowes & buclers, cruel are they and vnmercyfull. Their voyce roareth lyke the ragyng sea, they ryde vpon horses, & come weapened to fyght agaynst the O Babylon.