Jeremiah 4:30-31

Matthew(i) 30 What wilt thou now do, for thou beynge destroyed? For though thou clotest thy selfe wyth scarlet, and deckest the wyth goulde: thoughe thou payntest thy face with colours yet shalt thou trymme thy selfe in vayne. For those that hytherto haue bene thy great fauourers, shall abhorre the, and go aboute to slaye the. 31 For (me thincke) I heare a noyse like as it were of a woman trauaylyng, or one laboringe of her fyrste chylde. Euen the voyce of the doughter of Syon, that casteth oute her armes, and souneth, sayenge: Ah wo is me, how sore vexed and faynte is my herte for them that are slayne?