Jeremiah 48:26-30

Matthew(i) 26 Make her droncken, for she magnified her self aboue the Lord, that men maye clappe theyr handes at her vomyte, and that she also maye be laughed to scorne. 27 O Israel, shalt thou not laugh him to scorne, when he is taken amonge theues? Yea because of thy wordes that thou hast spoken agaynste him, thou shalt be dryuen awaye. 28 Ye Moabites, shall leaue the cytyes, & dwell in rockes of stone, and become like doues, that make theyr nestes in holes. 29 As for Moabs pryde, we haue hearde of it, she is verye hye mynded. I know her stoutnesse, her boastynge, her arrogancye and the pryde of her stomack, sayeth the Lorde. 30 For her furyousnes maye neyther vpholde her wt strength nor dede.