Jeremiah 46:3-10

Matthew(i) 3 Ye make ready buckler and shylde, ye go forth to fyght. 4 Ye harnesse youre horsses, and set your selues vpon them. Ye set your salettes fast on, ye bryng forth speares, ye scoure your swerdes, and put on youre brest plates. 5 But alas, howe happeneth it, that I se you so afrayed? why shryncke ye backe? wherfore are youre worthyes slayne? Yea they runne so fast away, that none of them loketh behind hym. Fearfulnesse is fall vpon euerychone of them sayeth the Lord. 6 The lyghtest of fote shall not fle awaye, and the worthies shall not escape. Towarde the North by the water of Euphrates, they shal stomble and fal. 7 But what is he this, that swelleth vp, as it were a floud, roaring & raging like the streames of water? 8 It is Egypte that ryseth vp lyke the floude, & casteth oute the waters wyth so greate noyse. For they saye: We wil go vp, & wyll couer the earth: we will destroy the cities, wyth them that dwel therin. 9 Get you to horse backe, rol forth the Charrettes, come forth ye worthies: ye Morians, ye Libeans with your bucklers ye Lideans with youre bowes: 10 So shall this daye be vnto the Lorde God of Hostes, a day of vengeaunce, that he maye avenge him of his enemies. The swearde shall deuoure, it shalbe satisfyed and bathed in their bloud For the Lorde God of Hostes shall haue a slayne offeringe towarde the North, by the water of Euphrates.