1 Bvt in the seuenth Moneth it happened, that Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah the sonne of Elisama (one of the kinges bloude) came wyth them that were greatest about the king and ten men that were sworne with him: vnto Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam to Mazphah, & ate there together.
2 And Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah with those ten men that were sworne to him, starte vp, and smote Godoliah the sonne of Ahiram the sonne of Saphan with the swerde, and slewe hym, whome the kinge of Babylon had made gouernoure of the lande.
3 Ismael also slewe al the Iewes, that were wtth Godoliah at Mazphah, & all the Caldees that he founde there waytynge vpon him.
4 The next daye after that he had slaine Godoliah (the matter was yet vnknowne)
5 there came certayne men from Sichem, from Siloh and Samaria, to the nombre of .lxxx. whiche had shauen their beardes, rent their clothes, and were al heauy, bringyng meatofferynges, and incense in their handes, to offre it in the house of the Lord.
6 And Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah went forth of Mazphah wepynge, to mete them. Nowe when he met them, he sayde: Go youre waye to Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam.
7 And when they came in the middest of the city, Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah (with them that were sworne vnto him) slewe them, euen at the myddest of the pyt.
8 Amonge these .lxxx. men there were ten, that sayde vnto Ismael: Oh slay vs not, for we haue yet a great treasure in the feld, of wheat barleye, oyle, and honye. So he spared them, and slewe them not with their brethren.
9 Now the pit, wherin Ismael dyd cast the dead bodies of the men (whome he slewe because of Godoliah) had Kynge Asa caused to be made, for feare of Baasa the Kynge of Israell, and the same pyt did Ismaell fyll wyth slayne men.
10 As for the remnaunte of the people the kynges doughters and all the people that were yet let at Mazphah, vpon whom Nabuzaradan the chefe Captayne had made Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam gouernoure. Ismaell the sonne of Nathaniah caryed them awaye presoners toward the Ammonites.
11 But when Iohanan the sonne of Careah and all they whyche had bene captaynes ouer the kynges Hoste wyth him, hearde of all the wickednes that Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah had done,
12 they toke their companions, and wente oute for to fyght wyth Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah, and founde hym by the waters of Rabim in Gabaon.
13 Now when all the people, whowe Ismael led captyue, sawe Iohanan the sonne of Careah, and al the other captaynes of the Hoste, they were glad.
14 So all the people of that Ismael had caryed away from Mazphah, were broughte agayne. And when they returned, they came to Iohanan the sonne of Careah.
15 But Ismaell the sonne of Nathaniah fled from Iohanan with eyght of hys sworne companyons, and went to the Ammonites.