16 Thus hath the Lorde spoken (concernyng the kyng that sytteth in the stole of Dauid, and all the people that dwell in thys cytye, youre brethren that are not gone with you into captyuyte)
17 Thus (I saye) speaketh the Lorde of hoostes: Beholde I wyll sende a swearde, honger and pestilence vpon them, and wyll make them like vntymelye fyges, that maye not be eaten for bytternes.
18 And I wyll persecute them wyth the swearde, with honger and death. I wyll delyuer them vp to be vexed of all Kyngedomes, to be cursed, abhorred, laughed to scorne, and put to confusyon of all the people, amonge whome I haue scatred them: