18 Then sayde they: come, let vs ymagyn smothynge agaynst this Ieremy. Yee thys dyd euen the prestes, to whom the lawe was commytted: the Senatours, that were the wysest, and the prophetes, whiche wanted not the worde of God. Come (sayde they) lett vs cut out hys tunge, & let vs not regarde his wordes.
19 Consydre me, O Lorde, and heare the voyce of myne enemies.
20 Do they not recompence euell for good, when they dygg a pyt for my soule? Remembre, how that I stode before the, to speake for them, and to turne awaye thy wrath from them.
21 Therfore let their chyldren dye of hunger and lett them be oppressed with the swearde. Let their wyues be robbed of their chyldren, and become widdowes: let their housbandes be slayne, lett their yonge men be kylled with the swearde in the felde.