Jeremiah 17:21-27

Matthew(i) 21 Thus the Lorde commaundeth: Take hede for youre lyues, that ye carye no burthen vpon you in the Sabboth, to brynge it thorowe the gates of Ierusalem: 22 ye shall beare no burthen also out of youre houses in the Sabboth. Ye shall do no laboure therin, but halowe the Sabboth, as I commaunded youre fathers. 23 How be it they obeyed me not, nether herkened they vnto me: but were obstynate & stubburne, & nether obeyed me, nor receyued my correccyon. 24 Neuertheles, yf ye will heare me (sayet the Lord) & beare no burthen in to the cytie thorow this gate vpon the Sabboth: If ye wyll halowe the Sabboth, so that ye do no worcke therin: 25 then shall there go thorowe the gates of this cytie, kynges and prynces, that shall syt vpon the stole of Dauid: They shall be caried vpon charettes, and ryde vpon horses, both they and their prynces. Yee whole Iuda and all the cytesyns of Ierusalem shall goo here thorowe, and this cytye shall euer be the more and more inhabyted. 26 There shall come men also from the cyties of Iuda, from aboute Ierusalem, & from the lande of BenIamin, from the playne feldes, from the mountaynes and from the wyldernesse: whiche shall brynge burntofferynges, sacrifyces, oblacions, and incense, and offre vp thanckesgeuyng in the house of the Lord. 27 But yf ye wyll not be obedyent vnto me, to halow the Sabboth, so that ye will beare youre burthens thorow the gates of Ierusalem vpon the Sabboth: Then shall I set fyre vpon the gates of Ierusalem, and it shall burne vp the houses of Ierusalem, and no man shall be able to quench it.