12 And ye with youre shamefull blasphemyes, haue exceaded the wyckednes of youre fathers. For euery one of you foloweth the frowarde and euell ymagynacyon of his owne herte, and is not obedient vnto me.
13 Therfore wyll I cast you oute of this lande, in to a lande that ye and youre fathers knowe not: and there shall ye serue straunge goddes daye and nyght, there wyll I shewe you no fauoure.
14 Behold therfore (sayeth the Lorde) the dayes are come, that it shall nomore be sayed: The Lorde lyueth, whyche brought the chyldren of Israell out of the lande of Egypte:
15 but, it shall be sayde, the Lord lyueth, that brought the chyldren of Israell from the North, and from all landes where I had scatred them. For I wyll brynge them agayne in to the lande, that I gaue vnto their fathers.