20 Therfore I wyll beseche the now (O Lord of hostes) thou rightuous iudge, thou that tryest the reynes and the hertes: lett me se the aunged of them, for vnto the haue I committed my cause.
21 The Lord therfore spake thus of the citezyns of Anothoth, that sought to slaye me, sayenge: Preache not vnto vs in the name of the Lord, or els thou shalt dye of oure handes.
22 Thus (I saye) spake the Lorde of hostes: Beholde, I will viset you. Youre yonge men shall peryshe wyth the swearde, your sonnes & your daughters shall vtterlye dye of honger,
23 so that none shall remayne. For vpon the cytezyns of Anathoth wil I bring a plage, the yeare of their visitacion.