Hosea 9:11-17

Matthew(i) 11 Ephraim flyeth lyke a byrde, so shall their glory also. In so muche, that they shall neyther beget, conceyue nor beare children. 12 And though they bring vp any yet wyll I make them chyldelesse among men. Yea, wo shall come to them, when I departe from them. 13 Ephraim (as me thyncke) is planted in welthynesse, lyke as Tirus, but nowe must she bring her owne children forth to the manslayer. 14 O Lorde thou shalt geue them: what shalte thou geue them? geue them an vnfrutefull wombe and drye brestes. 15 All their wyckednesse is done at Galgal, there do I abhorre them. For the vngracyousnes of their owne inuencyons. I will driue them oute of my house. I will loue them no more, for all their princes are vnfaythfull. 16 Ephraim is hewen doune, their rote is dryed vp, so that they shal brynge no more frute: yea and thoughe they brynge forth any, yet will I slaye euen the best beloued frute of their body. 17 My god shal cast them awaye, for they haue not bene obedient vnto hym, therefore shal they go astray amonge the Heathen.