Hebrews 9:19-23

Matthew(i) 19 For when al the commaundementes were reade of Moyses to all the people, he toke the bloude of calues and of gotes, whiche water and purple woul and ysope, and sprynkled both the boke and all the peopl 20 saiynge: thys is the bloud of the Testamente, with GOD hath appoynted vnto you. 21 More ouer he sprinkled the tabernacle wyth bloude also, and all the mynystrynge vessels. 22 And also all moost all thynges, are by the lawe pourged wyth bloude, and wythout sheddynge of bloude is no remyssyon. 23 It is then nede that the simylytudes of heauenly thinges be puryfyed wyth such thinges but the heauenly thynges them selues are puryfyed with better sacryfyces then are those.