9 There remayneth therfore yet a rest to the people of God.
10 For he that is entred into his reste doth cease from his owne workes, as God dyd from his.
11 Let vs study therfore to enter into the reste, leste anye man falle after the same ensample, into vnbelefe.
12 For the word of God is quicke and myghty in operacion, and sharper then anye two edged swerde, and entreth through, euen vnto the diuiding a sonder of the soule and the spirite, and of the ioyntes and the marie, and iudgeth the thoughtes and the ententes of the herte:
13 neyther is there anye creature inuisible in the syght of him. For all thinges are naked and bare vnto the eyes of him, of whom we speake.
14 Seyng then that we haue a great hye prieste, which is entred into heauen (I meane Iesus the sonne of God) let vs holde our profession.
15 For we haue not an hye prieste, whiche can not haue compassion on our infirmities, but was in all pointes tempted, lyke as we are, but yet without sinne.
16 Let vs therfore go boldely vnto the seate of grace, that we may receiue mercye, and fynde grace to healpe in time of nede.