8 By fayth Abraham, when he was called obeyed, to go out into a place, which he shoulde afterward receyue to inherytaunce, and he wente oute not knowynge whyther he should go.
9 By fayth he remoued into the lande that was promysed hym, as into a straunge countreye, and dwelte in tabernacles: and so dyd Isaac and Iacob, heyres wyth hym of the same promes.
10 For he loked for a cytie hauing a foundacyon, whose buylder and maker is God.
11 Thorow fayth Sara also receyued strength to be with chyld, and was delyuered of a child when she was past age, because she iudged hym faythfull which had promysed.
12 And therfore spronge thereof one (& of one whiche was as good as deade) so manye in multitude, as the starres of the skye, and as the sande of the sea shore whiche is innumerable.
13 And they all dyed in fayth, and receyued not the promyses: but sawe them a farre of, & beleued them; and saluted them: and confessed that they were straungers and pylgrems on the earthe.