Haggai 1:6-11

Matthew(i) 6 ye sowe muche, but ye bryng lytle in: ye eate, but ye haue not ynoughe: ye drincke, but ye are not fylled, ye decke youre selues, but ye are not warme: and he that earneth any wage, putteth it in a broken purse. 7 Thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes: Consydre your owne wayes in your hertes, 8 get you vp to the mountayne, fetche wood, and buyld vp the house, that it maye be acceptable vnto me, and that I maye shewe myne honoure, sayeth the Lorde. 9 Ye loked for much, and lo, it is come to lytle: & thoughe ye bryng it home, yet do I blowe it awaye. And why so, sayeth the Lorde of hostes? Euen because that my house lyeth so waste, and ye runne euery man vnto hys owne house. 10 Wherfore the heauen is forbidden to geue you anye dewe, and the earthe is forbidden to geue you encrease. 11 I haue called for a drouthe, both vpon the lande & vpon the mountaynes, vpon corne, vpon wyne, & vpon oyle, vpon euery thynge that the grounde bryngeth forth, vpon men and vpon catell, yea and vpon all handy laboure.