Genesis 21:23-31

Matthew(i) 23 Now therfore swere vnto me euen here by god, that thou wylt not hurt me nor my chyldren, nor my chyldrens chyldren. But that thou shalt deale wyth me & the contre where thou art a straunger, acordynge vnto the kyndnesse that I haue sheweth the. 24 Then sayd Abraham: I wyl swere. 25 And Abraham rebuked Abimelech for a well of water, whych Abimelechs seruauntes had taken awaye. 26 And Abimelech answered I wyst not who dyd it: Also thou toldest me not, nether herde I of it, but thys daye. 27 And Abraham toke shepe and oxen & gaue them vnto Abimelech. And they made both of them a bonde together. 28 And Abraham set .vij. lambes by them selues. 29 And Abimelech sayd vnto Abraham: what meane these .vij. lambes which thou hast set by them selues. 30 And he auswered .vij. lambes shalt thou take of my hand, that it maye be a wytnesse vnto me, that I haue dygged thys well: 31 Wherfore the place is called Berseba, because they sware both of them.